Please feel free to email your child’s teacher directly regarding any aspect of their education. You can expect to receive a reply within 48 hours, during regular working periods. Each grade level also has their own blog, where you can keep up with what’s going on in the classrooms and see the fantastic learning that’s happening around the school.

Principal Class

Tania Sorbello | Principal
Toby Russo | Assistant Principal


Prep MR - Molly Lowe Prep AS - Anja Stanislawski
Prep TJ - Tristen Jones
Prep BM - Bronte Murray

Grade One/Two

1/2 PT - Paul Timms
1/2 AO - Angie Ong
1/2 EJ - Evey Chen (Mon - Wed) Jake Mutimer (Thurs - Fri)
1/2 CB - Charmaine Bamford
1/2 ZP - Zoe Polycarpou

Grade Three/Four

3/4 SE - Sarah Easton
3/4 NB - Nathaniel Bieman
3/4 ST - Sam Tolley
3/4 TR - Amy Fleming
3/4 JM - Joe Dykes (Wed - Fri), Margaret Clark (Mon - Tues)

Grade Five

5 RB - Refi Balla
5EP - Evie Patrick

Grade Six

6 BA - Brad Arthur
6 HK - Hannah Simmons (Mon, Tues, Fri) Kathy Peters (Wed, Thurs)


Italian - Dianna Bazzanno
Music - Tanya Dolence
PE - Ben Williams Art - Maddi Check

Admin Staff

Business Manager - Nicole Cooper
Finance and Reception - Emily Alessi